Homage to H.H. Svámin Vimlánanda Sarasvatí Mahá Rája - President of the Divine Life Society
rshikesh, India - 2014, October
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Attribution of the Title of Grand International Yoga Master and Keilasha Award to H.H. Svámin Vimlánanda Sarasvatí Mahá Rája - President of the Divine Life Society, rshikesh, India - 2014, October
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Attribution of the Title of Grand International Yoga Master and Keilasha Award to H.H. Svámin Vimlánanda Sarasvatí Mahá Rája - President of the Divine Life Society, rshikesh, India - 2014, October
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Attribution of the Title of Grand International Yoga Master and Keilasha Award to H.H. Svámin Vimlánanda Sarasvatí Mahá Rája - President of the Divine Life Society, rshikesh, India - 2014, October
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Attribution of the Title of Grand International Yoga Master and Keilasha Award to H.H. Svámin Vimlánanda Sarasvatí Mahá Rája - President of the Divine Life Society, rshikesh, India - 2014, October
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Homage of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation to H.H. Svámin Vimlánanda Sarasvatí Mahá Rája - President of the Divine Life Society, rshikesh, India - 2014, October
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Homage of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation to H.H. Svámin Vimlánanda Sarasvatí Mahá Rája - President of the Divine Life Society, rshikesh, India - 2014, October
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Kírtana anda Ásana Pújá
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Kírtana and Ásana Pújá
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Kírtana and Ásana Pújá
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Kírtana by H.H. Svámin Vimlánanda Sarasvatí Mahá Rája
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Kírtana by H.H. Svámin Vimlánanda Sarasvatí Mahá Rája
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H.H. Jagat Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája and some of his disciples at Shivánanda Áshrama, Divine Life Society Headquarters, rshikesh, India - 2014, October
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H.H. Jagat Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája - Shivánanda Áshrama, Divine Life Society Headquarters, rshikesh, India - 2014, October
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